Monday 21 October 2013

FE 2000

Last night the caregivers who had the drop trap in their kitchen caught FE2000, the mother cat and FE 2002, her kitten.  (Don't ask me what happened to FE 2001; Marlah gives me the numbers.) They have been making progress taming the kitten and can now pick him up. They no longer let him go outside and they will adopt him.  The mother cat will stay in after surgery for 24 hours and after that will be able to come in when she wants to. Usually, she comes in at night, and I expect she will spend more time inside as the weather gets colder. Yesterday was the first time I had seen her, but I am convinced she is not a feral cat, just a scared abandoned pet.   Perhaps she will settle in with the caregivers over time or it may be possible to offer her for adoption later.

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