Theo | | | | |
Everybody who comes to the house remarks on Theo. No wonder. He's a 22 pound Maine Coon. He was born in an Ontario cattery May 1 2002 and was sired by Bonfires Saxxon of Grandeur. Saxxon was named best Maine Coon in Canada at the 2002 Toronto show. We have no interest in showing cats but we love the Maine Coon personality. Unfortunately, Theo is not the typical laid back "gentle giant" we expected. He is very sweet at times and loves to cuddle...which is a problem given his size since I can barely lift him.....but he can be moody so visitors have to be wary of him.
Snowfire |
Whatever Theo lacks in Maine Coon personality, Snowfire makes up for in spades. He was a four year old retired show cat when we got him from a cattery in Maine. He loves to greet visitors at the door, "talks" constantly, plays fetch and would never bite or scratch anyone on purpose. Snow is now past 15 and suffers from chronic kidney disease, so he spends most of his time isolated from his brothers so he can have his special food. He sleeps a lot, but when he is awake he still demands attention and plays like a kitten. We know his time is almost up, but every day is a gift and we are so lucky to have shared in his life.
Bandit |
You may have been in our house fifty times and never have seen Bandit. He typically disappears when visitors arrive although he knows certain people and does not mind them. Bandit is very gentle and accepting with other cats and foster kittens. He was an SPCA kitten himself. We helped to foster him and ended up adopting him. Bandit and his brother Figaro were born on leap year day and will be 10 at the end of February.
Figaro |
If you are nice, Figaro will come and see you. He knows who to trust. Definitely the clown of the family, Fig does not seem to sleep as much as most cats and is usually around, participating in whatever we are doing. He is the only one of our cats that goes outside and all he does is pop onto the step or deck and look around for a couple of minutes before deciding indoors is better. He used to like to run much further, but since an incident with a neighbor's dogs he had decided discretion is the better part of valor.
Foxx | |
Foxx is our only ca-r-ma cat. He is four years old and very spoiled. He has a sweet personality, loves to play fetch and to be petted but he is quite jealous, especially where his "ma" is concerned. He likes to play with the foster kittens but is rather solitary and does not cuddle with his brothers. He is a bit shy, but will warm to visitors quite quickly. The story of Foxx's trapping and adoption is a whole other blog.
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